I can’t smoke medical cannabis around my wifey

I have been seeing Bess for just about a month now.

I wouldn’t even say that the two of us are respectfully together, the two of us are still getting to think one another.

Although she is a few years younger than me, the two of us are both in the same arena mentally – the two of us are tired with casual dating, in addition to want to find a real relationship. For that reason the two of us are going slow, not rushing anything, just studying if the two of us are legitimately compatible. The two of us decided it was time for a weekend away together, for some real intimacy, in addition to rented a house on the beach. This would be a test for us in several ways, one of which was her tolerance for medical cannabis use. Since the two of us were only seeing each other for a few hours at a time on our dates, the subject of medical cannabis had not come up. I knew that she was not a user, although she didn’t think that I enjoyed smoking medical cannabis leaf every single morning, usually multiple times a morning. When I finally asked her about medical cannabis, she said that she never did it because she had asthma. That made sense to me, however I had to ask her if she was against medical cannabis for any moral or religious reasons, in addition to she laughed at me. She had no complication with medical cannabis, even before it started getting legalized all around the country. I can never smoke pot around her, because it’s disappointing for her lungs, however I can still eat cannabis edibles, or hit the vape pen, when she is around.

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