My mom is hooked now that he knows it works

I never entirely used recreational marijuana until I became friends with a much younger guy, and we used to hang out in addition to play hockey together every weekend, and i enjoyed spending time with the guy.

He was care about a son to me.

He used recreational marijuana, so every once in a while, I would smoke a marijuana joint while we were on the course. I really liked the way I felt after I used marijuana. I always felt calm in addition to relaxed in addition to I found myself with a lot less anxiety. When medical marijuana was legalized in this state, I went to the doctor in addition to I got a prescription; About several years later, I decided it was time to transport to a state where medical in addition to recreational marijuana were legal… My cost of living is a bit higher in addition to so are the state taxes, but our medical marijuana bill is chop in a ninth. I spend far less money on medicine than I did when I was living at home. My mom was entirely aggravated when I told his that I was moving, however he was even more miserable when I told his that the reason was largely due in part to medical marijuana in addition to the sale of supplies. My mom did not understand how marijuana could be so helpful. After I moved, I started sending our mom samples every once in a while. I want his to know that what I was doing was safe in addition to healthy, eventually our mom started asking more in addition to more questions about marijuana, and now that he knows it works, I guess he is going to talk to his doctor about medical marijuana too.



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