Treatment options for bruxism

In addition to reducing factors that cause teeth grinding and symptoms associated with it, medical marijuana is an effective treatment option for bruxism.

  • CBD reduces stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, headaches, and facial or jaw pain.

Someone with bruxism grinds, clenches, or grinds their teeth without chewing or eating. In fact, there are 2 types of bruxism, awake bruxism and sleep bruxism, but bruxism occurs when a person grinds their teeth or clenches them while awake. Anger, stress, or anxiety are usually associated with it, and people may also grind their teeth while focusing. Although it appears that they are grinding their teeth, they are not aware of it. A person grinds or clenches their teeth while sleeping. The disorder is a sleep disorder and is associated with other sleep disorders, such as insomnia. The symptoms of bruxism will be relieved by treating the underlying causes. THC and CBD are both helpful for pain, stress, and muscle relaxation when used for bruxism. For depression and headaches, THC is best. For anxiety, CBD is best. CBD can also be combined with THC to reduce its intoxicating effects. As a treatment option for bruxism, medical marijuana is excellent since it can reduce its symptoms and treat conditions or other factors that cause people to grind their teeth. Consult a professional when selecting a strain of marijuana, as marijuana can be used without intoxication or negative side effects.

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