The schedule got changed over the weekend and I missed our shift

I think they changed our schedule and I think that is the reason why nobody wrote me up for missing out on work

No labor schedule comes out on Thursdays. I write down all of our shifts in a calendar on our telephone. I have been an employee at the marijuana dispensary for 18 months and I have never written down the wrong time or date in our schedule. The boss and the employer of the dispensary have changed the schedule on people a number of times. I think that is what happened last weekend when I missed our shift on Saturday. I wrote down our schedule on the cellphone calendar on Thursday and I was tied up to be off on Thursday and Saturday. I went out of neighborhood on Sunday when I finished our shift at the marijuana dispensary. One of our co-workers called me on Saturday and left a message. I was hiking at the time and did not hear the message until much later that morning. I was tied up to labor a shift and the place was going insane because I did not call or show up. I was absolutely flabbergasted when I heard the news, because I wasn’t tied up to labor on that morning. I double checked our schedule and it did not match what was written on the calendar at work. My boss threatened to supply me a written reprimand for missing work, and I showed her the schedule that I had written down in our cellphone, then she told me that I need to check the schedule more carefully next time. I think they changed our schedule and I think that is the reason why nobody wrote me up for missing out on work. I hate that they changed the schedule without telling anyone. It certainly drives me crazy.

Pot brownies