Health and wellness pursuits aided by cannabis

It took me a long time to really understand just how important one’s health is.

All of my life, I’ve heard that as long as you had your health, you were good to go.

Of course, I thumbed my nose at that sort of notion and abused my body and mind for decades. Once I hit 50 though, it all started to catch up with me. Thanks to recreational marijuana, I’m getting my health and wellness on. It started with chronic soreness, fatigue and those sort of ailments. Then, I had some serious digestive issues. Next came the back problems and my joints being almost always inflamed. It was time to get better at taking care of myself. Thankfully, I didn’t try to do it myself but enlisted a trainer of sorts. And I took the advice of a dear friend of mine and started mixing in the cannabis products to my life. When I was younger, I partook of recreational marijuana fairly frequently. Not so coincidentally, those were the best times of my life. Of course, I got older and deeper into being the achieving machine that I set myself up to be. That left very little time for marijuana. Plus, it was still illegal then and getting busted for possession of cannabis products would have certainly cost me my job. So I turned to junk food and booze. Not a great alternative to be sure. These days, all of that is a thing of the past though now that I have access to the cannabis dispensary. I’m getting my health and wellness together and it thanks in large measure to marijuana.