I love coming to marijuana later in life

I’m not exactly sure of all the reasons that I abstained from recreational marijuana until I was in my mid 60’s.

It was really more of a combination of things I think. For one, when I was in college, everyone was using marijuana. This was the mid 70’s and people would roll around campus not even hiding the cannabis products. It was just that prevalent. But I came from a strict, religious background that forbade booze and cannabis. And there was even more emphasis on the marijuana use. Cannabis was portrayed as beyond evil and something that would totally wreck my life. Of course, that was hard to judge for me since all the people smoking sativa and indica sure looked like they were doing just fine in life. Regardless, I just steered clear and once college was over, I got so into family and career that I just didn’t really give cannabis products much of a thought. Now that the kids are grown and starting their families, my wife and I are retired. We moved to a state where recreational marijuana as well as medical marijuana are legal. My wife confessed that she used cannabis a few times when she was in college and really liked it. She thought I might like it too. Since it was legal, we thought we’d take a trip to the local cannabis spot and see for ourselves. I’m here to tell you that I’m now a regular at our local cannabis spot and loving every minute of it.
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