We all wanted to see the dispensary

She frowned and made a huffy noise

They chose my sister to be head of the community center’s entertainment committee. All the older women in her community center thought she would be best for the position, since she was the one who talked the most. My sister thought this was an honor plus did the task to the best of her ability. One day, my sister showed up at the house. She had some questions about some things her senior center group could do together. She had considered going on some outings, but she was running out of ideas. Her first thought was to go on the wine tasting tour, however that was a lot of walking. She wasn’t sure Stella could keep in with the others. Lila would certainly run all the people over since she just got her new car plus could not control it yet. She then came up with the system that she would take them to the cannabis dispensary. I must have looked shocked because she chastised myself and others for being rude. I tried to tell her I wasn’t rude, although I thought no one would want to go on a field trip to a cannabis dispensary. I thought the older generation believed marijuana to be wrong. She frowned and made a huffy noise. She informed me ‌she knew more about marijuana than anyone she knew. What did I believe her senior group got together for? They were all using marijuana for multiple reasons, plus they wanted to go to the cannabis dispensary as a group. If they used their club as an excuse, the cannabis dispensary may give them a tour plus some free goodies to take back to the house with them.

Marijuana delivery