Cannabis on the golf course

There are only two things in the world that truly make me happy – getting stoned and playing golf.

It used to be that those two things were mutually exclusive, which means I couldn’t do them at the same time.

Going to a golf course involves a lot of money, and a lot of manners. Golfers have their own rules and etiquette. Having a quiet drink on the course is acceptable, but getting drunk and making a scene is grounds for being banned! Secondhand smoke is also sternly frowned upon by most golfers, so you rarely find it on the course. Then one day I realized that there were other ways to get high, so I bought a vape pen and some cannabis oil. As we all know, smoking cannabis generates an almighty stink! I love the smell of it, but the point is that once you light up, everyone around you can immediately smell the cannabis smoke. A vape pen eliminates that odor entirely, while the cannabis oil gives me all the THC I can handle! Now that I have a way to smoke cannabis while I play golf I have started playing more than ever. Last week another golfer stepped up to me and asked if I wanted to play a round with him, while discreetly showing me his own cannabis vape pen. His name is Ben, he is a pretty nice guy, and he also has a whole pocket in his golf bag filled with cannabis products! Ben has been introducing me to different kinds of cannabis edibles, too.