From pizza to cannabis deliveries

When I was a pizza delivery guy, I always sold weed on the side to make extra money.

People who work in the food industry are notoriously huge pot smokers, so most of my sales came from my coworkers.

I would also pay extra attention when I made late-night deliveries, especially to the college campus. If I detected a hint of marijuana smoke in the air, I would sometimes take the chance of asking the customers if they needed a little extra. Using this method I could sell a dime bag of cannabis for twice the normal rate, because the customer was already stoned! This worked well for a while, and then a cannabis dispensary opened up down the street and my side-hustle came to a sudden halt. The cannabis dispensary also offered delivery on orders over $100, so the demand for my ditch weed disappeared overnight. They say “if you can’t beat them, join them.” There was no way I could fight the cannabis dispensary, because they had superior products and superior prices, so I decided to join them! I had a lot of experience making deliveries, and after I signed a document vowing to never sell cannabis illegally I got the job! Working for this place eliminates the need for a side-hustle, because the pay is good and the cannabis customers tip better than pizza customers ever did. Part of me thinks that I should “flip the script” and what I used to do, and start bringing a fresh pizza with me on my cannabis deliveries and try to sell that.

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