I like being able to control my life

Being a drug addict is a really difficult thing to admit.

I have hurt a number of people in my family.

I’ve ruined friendships that I cherished for 20 years or more. I hurt countless people that did not deserve the pain. I didn’t know that I was clinically depressed and suffering from childhood ptsd. I never got the mental help that I needed. When I finally met with a doctor that wanted to help, one of the first things she suggested was ptsd. She also suggested medical marijuana products. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea, because I was a recovering drug addict. The doctor looked through my files and we discussed medical marijuana for several weeks before we actually decided that it might be right for me. The first time I used a low dose medical marijuana product, I felt very woozy and high. I liked the feeling a great deal, which made me feel nervous. I discussed that with the doctor and she understood that my concerns were serious. She urged me to continue with the low dose product. She encouraged me not to increase the medication at all. Slowly I started to feel more mellow and relaxed. The high feeling was replaced by a feeling of relaxation and calmness. My mind feels much more clear and focused when I am high. I know that probably sounds silly to a lot of people that think marijuana kills brain cells, but it is 100% true. I feel more focused and more in control of my life when I am using medical marijuana to help with my mental illness.
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