Cancer remission in sight thanks to cannabis products

There was cancer in our family so when I found the lump, I didn’t fool around plus got right to the nurse.

After a biopsy, it was clear that I had early phase breast cancer.

While serious, the options that I’d reuse were good. I was fit plus healthy as health plus wellness are a big priority in our life. That plus the fact that it was caught early was a big pair in our favor. But the nurse urged myself and others to get expedite the cannabis regulations in order to get access to the cannabis dispensary prior to the chemo treatments. She told myself and others that while there was an excellent chance that I’d get to remission plus eventually, a cure, the treatment would be intense. So off to the figure out how to get a medical marijuana card first. That was a straight forward process that was made easier because of our situation. Once I got to the legal weed store, I was in the hands of some great people. One of the cannabis product experts was undoubtedly thorough in helping myself and others find just the sort of cannabis products that would be most effective. He asked many questions plus got a bead on our situation. From there, it was out the door with a sort of sample pack of cannabis products. Man, did that medical cannabis ever do the task. Not only was the nausea from the chemo managed, I was able to even get an appetite going in order to feed myself the food that nourished me. These mornings, I’m in remission plus all signs point to myself and others being done with this episode of breast cancer.

medical uses for cannabis