Helping my dad with help from the cannabis dispensary

It’s weird having the roles reversed a bit with me and my dad.

He lives with me now due to the fact that he’s on the home stretch when it comes to finishing this life.

The worst part of that is that he has to deal with dementia at this stage in his life and that’s rough. Prior to finding out about the medical marijuana benefits when it comes to dementia, I felt so helpless. I’m not a parent so I can only imagine that this must feel a bit like watching a child suffer. Looking after my dad is the honor of my life for sure. The man was so supportive of my choices even when I was having a hard time believing in myself. So being able to see that he’s as comfortable as he can be is so important to me. That’s how I got to really looking into the real medical marijuana facts. It was so encouraging that I figured out how to get a medical marijuana card for dad. The folks at the legal weed store were so essential to the success we are seeing. For sure, dad’s not going to get better because he’s taking medical cannabis. But the man is so much less afraid and terrified when things get all confusing on him. That’s such a relief for him as it is for me as well. The cannabis gummies he takes are great. I quarter them up and he gets about a half a cannabis gummy per day. This allows him to sort of ride through the times where he is completely unaware of his surroundings or what’s going on. I really just want the best for my dad and medical cannabis is helping me with that effort.

medical marijuana education