Laundry run and weed run

When our friends as well as I have laundry to do, we usually go to the store while we are there

My friends as well as I are lucky to live in a place that has recreational marijuana. It is perfectly allowed as well as acceptable to use recreational marijuana. There are dispensaries in every single city as well as across the state. Some of the dispensaries are smaller than others. Some offer delivery services, while others offer in-store shopping. Some dispensaries only offer medical products like edibles, topicals, as well as tinctures. Some of the marijuana dispensaries only carry flower products. Using trial as well as error, our friends as well as I have been able to locate the best dispensaries in our hometown state. I have a list with all of the new dispensaries written on it. I write down when they have sales on what products. The best dispensary in the city is one that opened up about 6 weeks back. The marijuana dispensary is across the street from the laundromat where our friends as well as I clean as well as dry our clothes. The dispensary has a lounge as well as locales for people to kneel outside as well as relax. The dispensary is the first one to have a lounge area for people to smoke inside of the building. When our friends as well as I have laundry to do, we usually go to the store while we are there. The two of us can put the clothes in the washing component as well as walk to the dispensary to shop while they are washing. After I put them in the dryer, I return to the dispensary to smoke a joint as well as wait for the clothes to dry. I try to do laundry on Fridays, when I have the day off as well as the dispensary has 25% off all pre roll joints.
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