This year was the first time for me shopping in a recreational cannabis store

I traveled out of my home state for the first time this year, and whenever I tell someone of that fact they’re extremely surprised.

The reality is that I grew up in a poor environment and we never had the money for traveling or vacations. The closest thing we ever had to a vacation was driving out to the coast and camping in the nearby forest reserve while swimming at the beach during the daytime. Once we even camped directly on the beach and listened to the sound of the ocean waves while we slept that night. When I got to college, I focused on my education and even helped my family financially on the side, requiring a regular job. I took full advantage of the opportunity when my wife urged me to consider a trip with her out west to visit her family for the first time. Aside from seeing a different ocean for the first time, I got to traverse through mountains, deserts, plains, and forests on our way out to where her parents live. One thing that had me the most excited was finally shopping in a recreational cannabis store for the first time in my life. While my wife and I are both regular cannabis users, we live in a state that does not have legal cannabis regardless of whether or not it’s recreational cannabis or medical cannabis. We can purchase CBD products, but there are no recreational cannabis stores and definitely no cannabis delivery services. It was really great getting to shop in my first ever recreational cannabis dispensary. They even had a cannabis delivery service in case we wanted cannabis at our hotel room instead of driving over and getting it in person at the marijuana store.


recreational weed store near me