Recreational cannabis treated medically

Living in a state that offers recreational weed is a blessing and a curse; I like that I can option up anything I want from the cannabis dispensary and I don’t need to worry about a medical marijuana card.

It is amazing how much cannabis can help.

I use a tincture in order to sleep at night. I have a topic that I apply when I work out too hard. I also vape cannabis oil if I am uneasy at work, then moral of the story, cannabis is a medical product for me. I don’t smoke to get high and have a nice time. I guess people who live in medical weed states are desperate to try the fun aspects of marijuana, then the curse element to living in a recreational weed state is that people who visit want to gathering with weed. They are desperate to go into a recreational pot shop and option up some products, going to a cannabis dispensary is like a trip to the pharmacy or drugstore. It isn’t a fun experience. I also don’t want to smoke to get high. I don’t find that fun anymore, then everyone who comes to see myself and others wants to do that though, then cannabis is just more sophisticated than that in our opinion. If I want to gathering and have a nice time, I will drink alcohol. There is no need to smoke pot and think buzzed that way. It also is truly overpriced to buy cannabis and then waste it in a single night.


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