There are some unsafe alternatives to the cannabis dispensary

The price of weed at the cannabis dispensary is out of control. I wish I had enough disposable income to just buy what I needed, however the economy sucks and I simply can’t do that. The seasoned adage says “you get what you spend money for” and I believe this to be true. The products at the weed dispensary are top notch, and of the best quality. They also demand high prices, which I can’t afford to spend that much money anymore. The price of everything keeps going up, so I have to get creative to save a little cash. There are several alternatives to shopping at the local cannabis dispensary, however they are all illegal, and some of them are scary. My buddy Benny usually has a surplus of cannabis on hand, and doesn’t mind selling myself and others a few grams. The disadvantage with Benny is that his marijuana is of the lowest quality, barely better than ditch weed, and it often reeks of bug spray. I have the iphone number for a local marijuana company named Jerry. The concern with Jerry is that he only sells by the ounce, and I usually can’t afford a full ounce of cannabis, then also I have become aware that Jerry has done time in prison for drug trafficking before, and I don’t want to get busted by the cops trying to buy marijuana. Benny and Jerry both have prices that are much lower than the cannabis dispensary, however both of them come with greater risks to our health and our freedom. I wish the cannabis dispensary would just lower their prices some!

Local cannabis cafe