Marijuana helped me through it all

Nobody wants to hear a doctor tell them that they have cancer.

I know that’s not what I was expecting to hear when I was told that was the case for me.

Thankfully, I live in a state that long ago legalized medical marijuana. Actually now, anyone of age can access a cannabis dispensary to buy the cannabis products they choose. Still, I count myself so fortunate that I could get the sort of marijuana products that got me through what I hope is the worst of this whole ordeal. I have enjoyed recreational marijuana throughout my adult life but not on the yearly so much. It’s constantly been more a treat since it’s been legal. And it was really more of a special opportunity back when it was against the law to possess marijuana products. But once I knew that I was facing cancer treatments that were entirely going to kick my butt, I got right down to the local cannabis spot. The folks down there were so kind and compassionate when I told them my reason for shopping for marijuana for sale. But even more pressingly the cannabis pros were able to help me identify the sativa and indica products that would ultimately help me through what was a taxing experience, then pretty much, it was the indica strains for the nausea and the pain management. And the sativa strains were essential when it came to keeping the right mindset. I was able to approach this challenge with a positive frame of mind thanks to the sativa products. I’m now in remission and I’m awfully grateful to be here.



Medical marijuana