The olive oil tincture tastes good on chicken

My wife plus I went to a grand opening celebration for a marijuana shop in the city.

I got invited to the opening, because I was one of the contractors that worked on the project. I invited my wife to go with me. She was busy that night plus had a lot of work, so I planned to take one of my friends. At the last moment, my wife got out of labor early plus I had to tell my neighbor that I was going to take my wife. I thought that she would be aggravated, although she was particularly glad that she didn’t have to go to the city. My wife plus I went to the grand opening of the marijuana shop plus there were a ton of items that my associate and I could buy for a penny with any purchase. One of the items that my associate and I ended up buying was an olive oil THC infused tincture. The olive oil product can be used in a variety of odd ways. The olive oil can be used as a tincture plus placed on your tongue or swallowed or it can be used to enhance cooking. I decided to use the olive oil tincture on a chicken meal that I made for my wife. I put a small amount of olive oil in the bottom of a bowl plus put a couple of odd spices in it. Then I coated the chicken with the marijuana infused olive oil tincture. I baked it in the oven at 350° plus then topped it with a grated Parmesan cheese. The flavor of the marijuana melted nicely with the braided cheese.
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