When I did not get paid, I knew all the messages were from employees

All of the employees at the marijuana shop get paid on Wednesdays… There are a couple of employees that are getting paid with a paper check. The paper checks are delivered directly to the marijuana dispensary by our payroll dealer. They are hand delivered each day because the payroll dealer is local. The rest of the employee funds are deposited into their bank account. All employees get paid on Wednesday day unless they have a bank that deposits the check earlier… I woke up on Wednesday day in addition to I checked the bank to see how much the deposit was going to be. I still had $18 at the bank. I absolutely did not get paid. I assumed there was some type of problem with the bank in addition to I knew that I could call them later that day. I picked up my phone to look at the time in addition to that has when I noticed 12 missed calls. I have 12 employees at the store in addition to each one of them called me that day to tell me that they did not get paid. It was bad enough that I did not get paid, but my employees are a completely different thing. A few people threatened not to come in for their shifts if they did not get paid. There’s not much I can say about that, because I wouldn’t work if I wasn’t getting paid either. I got to the marijuana shop early that day in addition to I immediately contacted the payroll dealer. They had a new employee that forgot to take the deposits to the bank. They chop checks that afternoon in addition to sent them to the store by courier.

Human Resource Business Partner for dispensary