Always wanted to try marijuana however it never worked out

When I was in high school weed was considered as disappointing of a drug as heroin and cocaine, it was listed right along with hardcore narcotics like meth.

It was so startling to go into assemblies and watch the horrors of drug use.

It all started with marijuana according to our startling narrator. It made me terrified to try cannabis. I wouldn’t do it all throughout high school. In school it started to get a better reputation however I flat out refused. I didn’t want to be a drug addict with no task, horrible teeth, and way too thin, and that was going to be my life if I smoked right? Now that I am in my 30s, the mentality has changed a lot. There is way more research about the benefits of recreational and medical cannabis, a lot of cancer patients rely on it for nausea assistance; Cannabis works to fight chronic pain, seizures, PTSD, anxiety and depression, then people are even using it as a sleep aid. Cannabis for recreational purposes isn’t bad, but you can’t overdose on weed. There is a ceiling so to speak. You can only get so high. It also doesn’t create any hangovers or make you sick like alcohol does. It is now the right time to start relying on marijuana for ailments and fun, then sadly I am now past that stage. I don’t go out with friends to have fun. I don’t have medical problems yet either. I am right in that in between stages of being a boring mom that shouldn’t have cannabis in the house. I am anxious I have forever missed my window on recreational weed.

recreational marijuana