Author: admin

Living the life I want now

To say that I have led a typical life would be putting it lightly. I have been a rule follower my whole life. Having grown up in a strict conventional household, I suppose I was worried of ever having to think for myself. So it was a no-brainer that I’d do the correct thing, get […]

Sampling what I want at the dispensary

This is all kind of new to me. Other than using recreational pot a few times in my early twenties, I didn’t absolutely think much about marijuana items. I learned about cannabis a great deal in an effort to sort of learn what to expect and which sort of cannabis products would be best for […]

Able to heel with good cannabis

However, I’ve also noted that I’m approaching my reusey with a much more positive and proactive mind since I started with the weed Having never been seriously injured before, I absolutely had no idea just how hard physical therapy and my recovery could be. Yeah, I have spent my life thinking that I was basically […]

Glad I can shop at the dispensary

There is just something about shopping that I really like. And perhaps I’m being completely dumb here. But since I was a little gal, going shopping has perhaps been a great thing that I do. My mom and I would dress fancy, make a day of it and take our time. Sometimes the people I […]

They now smoke weed too

It is so weird to me the way the parent-child dynamic alters over the years. My siblings in addition to I have all long since moved out of our folks home. All of us have our own careers, our own families, in addition to now all of us interact with our parents in a honestly […]

Bring back the requirement to stay home

Bring back the requirement to stay home, please! I don’t even care the reason, it could be COVID, it could be some silly new illness nobody ever has had like a monkey’s brain. I legitimately don’t care, I just loved being in my house, and I hate having to go back out into the world […]

Now I live near cannabis

When I was a kid, I made some pretty poor decisions. That I made it through high school, and graduated, separate from being kicked out or going to prison is a miracle; For a while I had a mild drug habit, and I ran with a crew of older guys that were all nursing drastic […]

I need to smell the buds

You don’t have to be a cannabis expert to take a sizable inhale from a bucket of reds and get a feel for it I am so glad that things are finally turning around and there are still a few stores in the area that require everyone to have something on their mouths but to […]

I am the only source of cannabis right now

Living in a small town can be stale, and a lot of folks have a desire to make things not change at all. People use this as an excuse to keep their lives easy or even worse get angry about change. When pot legalization came up in the last state elections, my whole town lost […]