Author: admin

People get this wrong

As a young man, I didn’t love going to college, and it felt like work to me, mostly because they always told us that both of us would have to be working for the rest of our lives, so this was prep for life… They were right, in addition to the rest of my life […]

They got it all wrong

As a little boy, I didn’t prefer going to university, however it felt like work to me, due in part to the fact that they always told us that both of us would have to be absolutely working for the rest of our lives, so this was prep for life, but they were right, plus […]

A bad first impression

As a kid growing up, I didn’t care about going to college. It felt like a task to me, mostly because they consistently told us that the two of us would have to be finally working for the rest of our lives, so this was prep for life. They were right, plus the rest of […]

Where do they come up with this?

As a young man, I didn’t care all that much about going to school, then it felt like task to me, mostly due to the fact that they always told us that we would have to be now working for the rest of our lives, so this was prep for the way that life would […]

Making cannabis a normal part of life

Apologies in advance if this offends you, but I have to get something off my chest. I think it’s time that stoners get a major update on their public image. To this day we still have the same ideas concerning pot smokers, and most people think of them as lazy goofballs who say “yeah, dude” […]

Not as bad as you think

I will say sorry in advance if this offends you, however I have to get something off our chest, but I feel as if it’s time that stoners get a major replace on their public image, to this day the two of us still have the same ideas concerning pot smokers, as well as most […]

Not nearly as bad

It’s funny that I guess so several of them, because I used to buy cannabis from one or 2 of them back in the day before legalization happened in this state, but pot growers work hard, as do budtenders, as well as that should tell you a fair amount about the cannabis community right there! […]

It’s not dangerous at all

I am not saying those people don’t exist, of course they do, however those are mostly young people. I will give out apologies in advance if this offends you, but I have to get something off our chest. I understand that it’s time that stoners get a major replacement on their public image! To this […]

Week is just fine

Apologies are now in advance if this offends you, however I have to get something off my chest; I guess it’s time that stoners get a major upgrade on their public image, then to this day the people I was with and I still have the same ideas concerning pot smokers, and all the people […]