Most cannabis dispensaries in my county have indoor mask orders

Even before the new coronavirus variants took hold, there were a lot of businesses retaining their existing viral mitigation efforts.

Some places like doctors offices and hospitals kept their mask mandates in place while other businesses took the opposite approach the minute the CDC updated its guidelines.

It’s sad that so many people quit wearing masks during the time in which these variants were first catching wind. It was a process of dousing smoldering embers with gallons of gasoline. Once the new variants started to ravage the country, people left and right resumed masking. I never stopped, regardless of what others think about it. Thankfully most of the cannabis dispensaries in my city have all resumed their mask mandates to protect employees and customers from people who could be unknowingly infected and lacking any notable symptoms. However, there is one cannabis dispensary in particular that is being flagrant with viral mitigation measures. None of their employees wear masks, nor is there a requirement for their customers. Aside from packing people tightly into the waiting area, they do the same thing in the store room and next to the cash registers. The worst thing is the mindset of their employees. I was angrily asked to remove my mask the other day so they could verify that I was the person on my medical marijuana ID card. I should be forced to expose myself to a deadly virus just because this one cannabis dispensary doesn’t understand basic safety and common decency. It’s okay because there are better cannabis dispensaries in my city and they all care more about their customers’ safety than the first place. They all have indoor mask requirements as well.

recreational pot dispensary near me

Using pre-ground cannabis flower products is the most economical ways to utilize the plant

Until I find another job, I have to live on my savings for the next few weeks. It’s not as hard for me as it is for other people, because I lived on barely any money while I was in both undergraduate college and graduate school. I drank nothing but water and cheap coffee while eating macaroni and cheese, pancakes, fried eggs, ramen noodles, and rice with beans. If you have the will to get through the roughest parts, it’s possible to endure. Luckily I am not as poor as I was back then, so I can eat better food as long as I only buy meat when it’s on sale at the store. You can go to discount grocery stores and purchase cheap canned meat and vegetables as well. This is one of my favorite ways to make chilli. I get a can of every kind of beans and I mix them with tomatoes, tomato sauce, and my secret blend of seasonings. If I’m careful about what I get at the dispensary, I can still enjoy cannabis on a daily basis. Instead of spending a lot of cash on expensive concentrate and jars of cannabis flower buds, I get pre-ground cannabis flowers. It’s a mixture of shake and legitimate flower buds that have been ground up in a consistency ready for rolling joints and blunts. Some people scoff at the ground flower from the cannabis dispensary, but it has given me the chance to continue using marijuana in a period of time when I’m on the edge of poverty. The cannabis dispensary sells a quarter of an ounce of the ground flower buds for just $25. If you get four of them, you can get an ounce of marijuana flower buds pre-ground for only $100. This is an unbelievable price for cannabis and easily the most economical one in the state.


medical cannabis store near me

Local dispensary lets patients with pickup orders check-in with front desk before arrival

A lot of the people who shop at my local dispensary are older folks who are used to buying bags of cannabis flower buds from friends or associates in little plastic baggies.

If you tell them that the dispensary has an online menu where you can create pickup or delivery orders ahead of time, they’ll start to draw a blank.

I go out of my way to provide assistance with anyone struggling to use the online system for the cannabis dispensary. However, I draw an exception with the angry people who get pisssed that pickup orders are prioritized ahead of walk-ins. I have been cussed out by angry men that are waiting in their seats for 20 minutes while I’m checking-in on my phone and eating at a restaurant next door. Once I get to the second place in line, I enter the building and hand the person at the front desk my medical marijuana card. That’s when the employee escorts me to the cash register. When this happens, anyone waiting in the lobby assumes that I’m getting preferential treatment; the truth is that anyone can use this feature if they have a smartphone. The people at the front desk should be relaying this information to these angry customers so they stop venting their frustrations on innocent people like myself. Unfortunately, there are a number of people in every age demographic who are too lazy or self-important to learn anything new if it requires even the slightest bit of effort on their part. This is not something unique to older folks, although with them it often manifests when they interact with new technology.

Medical marijuana oils

Ordering cannabis products online

You may not know this, but you can actually order all of your cannabis products online now and it is actually pretty simple.

Before last month, I never really knew that you could actually order cannabis products online. I thought that you always had to go to an actual brick and mortar cannabis dispensary to get the products that you needed. For me, having a recreational cannabis delivery service has been a real game changer. I personally don’t like going shopping, and that includes having to go out to get my weed products that I need from time to time. I guess people like me who don’t like to go to stores really benefit from recreational cannabis delivery services like the one that I’ve been using. I guess several years ago, there was no such thing as ordering weed products online. That was back when cannabis was frowned upon in many areas and not that many people were using it. Well, at least if they were using cannabis products recreationally, they weren’t telling anyone that they were doing it. That’s probably what was actually happening. Anyway, now that the use of recreational cannabis products has become much more mainstream, it’s getting easier for people to get the cannabis products that they really need. I like the fact that I can get the recreational cannabis products that I need just by ordering them online and then having them delivered using a local cannabis product delivery service. It’s really very convenient. Ordering cannabis products online is one of the best things that ever happened to me!



Medical marijuana oils

The demand for cannabis products

With the way I have my website set up to sell cannabis products, now I can also offer cannabis product delivery services

The demand for cannabis products is really growing. I make cannabis products and I never would have dreamed that my little company would be so busy all the time, but it is. It’s one of those things that you start out with as a little dream and you work on it here and there and then suddenly the dream becomes a reality. When I first started making all kinds of different cannabis products, I just sold them to my friends and family and that was it. Now, however, word has really spread about the cannabis products that I make. Now I’m selling to local businesses and all over the world through my social media page. It’s nice to be able to run a home based, family owned business and actually be able to make a profit from what I’m selling. Business has been so good that I am thinking about hiring someone to help me start up a cannabis delivery service. With the way I have my website set up to sell cannabis products, now I can also offer cannabis product delivery services. I think that this would go over well in our area. People are always asking about local delivery for my cannabis products, so I know that we would be able to turn a profit. If cannabis product delivery demands keep on growing as fast as the demand for my products did, then I will be able to keep a cannabis delivery service driver pretty busy! I’m hopeful that my little business will keep on growing and become very profitable!

recreational weed dispensary

What are medical marijuana consulting services?

I could not wait until they finally legalized medical marijuana.

I had a lot of health issues that traditional medications were not helping.

It seemed that all the doctors were doing was giving me more pills to help with the side effects of other pills. Every year, they made many of the medications stronger, but there wasn’t anything changing in how I was feeling. Now that medical marijuana is legal, I am hearing that our state senate is trying to pass a law for recreational marijuana. Everybody I talk to is buzzing over this news. My cousin is considering opening a medical marijuana dispensary. He figures that if he already has the medical marijuana dispensary, it will be easy to transition to recreational marijuana. I’m not looking at the small peanuts, I want to get into medical marijuana consulting now, and later I can transition into the recreational marijuana side of it. With consulting services, I’ll be helping people get their business permits and the training they need to start a new business. I would be helping people to prepare and get their applications for the marijuana dispensaries acceptance board. There are so many things a consulting service can do for the marijuana growing farmer, and for the marijuana dispensary owner. No one thinks about the advertising and marketing that goes with both, but that is my business. I think ahead for the people and make the plans that they forget about.


Cannabis business consulting

I wanted to do dispensary consulting.

When the talk about legalizing recreational marijuana became more than just talk, I wanted to get in on the ground floor.

There were going to be a lot of people who were interested in starting their own cannabis dispensary and finding their niche in owning a business. There were also going to be farms popping up that were more than vegetables. They were going to be growing and processing marijuana needed for the dispensaries. I wanted to help them get their business started and help to get it growing. I planned on getting all the information I didn’t already have and passing it on to those upstarts. The profit from a cannabis dispensary consulting company would be a nice way to retire someday. I knew there was going to be a lot to do if I wanted to do cannabis dispensary consulting. I had to first learn all the laws and rules that pertained to cannabis. I also had to know all about marketing, advertising, investment planning, and how to apply for the licenses needed to own a cannabis dispensary or a farm that did cannabis farming. I had gone to school for business management, but this was a new gig for me. I didn’t know half of what I needed to know. I was going to need to go to school to learn all the laws and regulations. I also had to get some added information about how to market and advertise cannabis entities. Doing dispensary consulting was going to be a lot of work, but I thought I had the mettle to take the classes and do the job.

Cannabis dispensary consulting service

Recreational Cannabis beach trip

A few weeks ago, some friends & I decided to take a last-minute trip to the beach, however all of us loaded up my car with cold drinks, popcorn, & our favorite playlist, hit the road before the sunshine came up, & both of us arrived at the beach just after noon! While both of us were looking for a parking spot, both of us came across a recreational marijuana dispensary, & decided to stop in, however the dispensary had hundreds of bizarre marijuana products for sale. They had everything from dried cannabis flower & pre-roll joints, cannabis concentrates, & every genre of cannabis-infused edible you could imagine. All of us spoke with the budtender for some time about where both of us were from, our beach trip, & what both of us were looking for… Since this beach had strict smoking rules, the budtender commanded that both of us try cannabis edibles, cannabis infused edibles are bizarre edible substances that have been prepared by infusing them with cannabis extracts. The dispensary both of us were at had every genre of cannabis infused edible, from gummies & candy, to cookies & brownies, & even cannabis-infused beverages. All of us decided to buy some cannabis infused beverages, because they were perfectly dosed in a convenient package, & since it was so hot at the beach the drinks looked extra refreshing. All of us purchased 2 cans per person, & the budtender gave us some promotional pre-roll joints to smoke when both of us got to our hotel. The cannabis infused beverages were the perfect addition to our beach day, both of us all felt euphoric & relaxed, with no one feeling like they took too much. Next time you are going to the beach, be sure to stop by the cannabis dispensary!


Local Cannabis products

I'm sick of paying full price for cannabis flower products that are completely dried out

I hate wasting my money when I’m desperately looking for quality.

It’s easy to get fixated on sales papers and coupons whenever you’re at the grocery store because it feels care about you’re getting the most value for your money.

But some things care about produce and meat range in quality from fantastic to bad. I don’t want to save a few dollars if I get meat that has an stink the hour I pull it out of the packaging. And in this case you could get sick with food poisoning just because you’re looking to save a few dollars at most. Cannabis products follow the same principles at play with perishable food. If you purchase cannabis oils or flower buds from a sketchy black market source, there’s no telling what kind of contaminants that could be in it. Once you get to a un-biased medical or recreational cannabis market, you can purchase from dispensaries that submit their products for lab testing. Even with the chances at hand, the quality of basic flower buds can be lackluster. The cannabis dispensaries are in a rush to get product on the shelves, and their other focus is on THC percentages. As long as they can get a high THC number, they’ll harvest as hastily as they possibly can while putting the flower buds through an inadequate stage of dry-curing. Occasionally the cannabis flower jars sit on the shelf for weeks, meaning they are bone dry by the time you get them home. I suppose it costs more money, however at least I get better consistent quality when I purchase rosins instead of cannabis flower products. The solvent-free cannabis extracts are out of this world in flavor and potency.

Marijuana delivery

Using pre-ground cannabis flower products is the most economical ways to utilize the plant

Until I find another task, I have to live on my savings for the next few weeks.

It’s not as tough for me as it is for other people, because I lived on barely any money while I was in both undergraduate university and graduate university.

I drank nothing however water and cheap tea while eating macaroni and cheese, pancakes, fried eggs, ramen noodles, and rice with beans. If you have the will to get through the roughest parts, it’s possible to endure. Luckily I am not as exhausting as I was back then, so I can eat better food as long as I only buy meat when it’s on sale at the store. You can go to discount grocery stores and purchase cheap canned meat and vegetables as well. This is 1 of my number one ways to make chilli. I get a can of every kind of beans and I mix them with squashes, squash sauce, and my secret blend of seasonings. If I’m careful about what I get at the dispensary, I can still prefer cannabis on a yearly basis. Instead of spending a lot of money on extravagant concentrate and jars of cannabis flower buds, I get pre-ground cannabis flowers. It’s a mixture of shake and honest flower buds that have been ground up in a consistency ready for rolling joints and blunts. Some people scoff at the ground flower from the cannabis dispensary, however it has given me the pick to continue using marijuana in a stage of time when I’m on the edge of poverty. The cannabis dispensary sells a quarter of an ounce of the ground flower buds for just $25. If you get numerous of them, you can get an ounce of marijuana flower buds pre-ground for only $100. This is an unbelievable price for cannabis and really the most economical 1 in the state.


medical marijuana store