Author: admin

The cannabis dispensary tested my issues

I ordered 8 grams in addition to there were eight packages inside the bag. I ordered some marijuana concentrates from a local dispensary. The weed dispensary only delivers to the edges of town, because technically they are in the neighboring city. I have to meet the weed driver near the fairgrounds, about 15 miles away […]

Using medical marijuana helps me with panic attacks

I don’t know what I would do without having access to medical marijuana Even though marijuana is still illegal federally, there are a lot of states across this great country that allow the use of medical marijuana for mental in addition to physical conditions. Medical marijuana has been legal in parts of the US for […]

The weed sale was going on through the week

I dislike it when the weed dispensary near me has a legitimately great sale on a day one I don’t have any money. Whenever they host a sale that lasts all week or the entire month, I know that I will be able to take advantage of that sale. They recently had a sale throughout […]

The bathrooms were closed all day for repairs

The homeless man has been sleeping in our dumpster area for the past couple of weeks Bathrooms at the marijuana dispensary were closed all day for repairs. When I got to work in the morning, the boss already had a sign on the door. She told me there was a problem in the bathroom and […]

The lavatory was closed all day for repairs

My boss ended up telling me that she has been letting the homeless woman use the lavatory on the day when she needs to disinfect up The bathrooms in the marijuana dispensary were closed all day for repairs. When I got to toil in the day, the boss had already put a sign on the […]