My child is 19, but he still lives at home, because he still lives at home, I feel that there are particular rules that he has to follow, and if he wants to continue to live under the Safety as well as Security of my roof, then he has to let me know where he is going as well as when he will be back.
I don’t care if he does not come home for the evening, but it is nice as well as courteous to let someone know.
I am not a short order cook, my child eats what is in the dwelling or he pays for something that he wants, however he has to do his own laundry. If it piles up in his room, I will say something about it. If it starts to trickle out the door, I shall watch the laundry as well as charge him just as a laundromat would. I don’t mind that he is living at home at all, but I want him to learn a little bit of responsibility before he is out on his own as well as these little things will be helpful. I warned my child that I was getting upset with the laundry situation last week. I decided to go ahead as well as wash all of the clothes. I did not plan on charging my child this time, because he was working every single afternoon. I did not expect to find a marijuana roach in his pocket, and the marijuana roach was in the front pocket of his work pants. The marijuana roach had clearly been smoked as well as then the roach was put back into his pocket. I wanted to talk about the marijuana as soon as he got home from work that evening.