My thoughts on medical cannabis legalization

Lots of people don’t drink beer, and yet don’t demand that beer be made illegal, well the same is true for cannabis use

So what I did was I forged prescription cards, and sold them for half of what the real ones cost. It worked for about three months, but once someone got caught all the local businesses got a lot more careful about checking the cards. It didn’t take long before the whole vetting system was upgraded, and the cards became scannable, which meant I was out of business for good. I can’t say that I learned a lesson, other than that a whole lot of people want medical cannabis who don’t have access to it. This leads me to believe that within the next couple of years recreational cannabis use will also be legalized. It can’t take very long, can it? We are on the so-called “slippery slope” towards total cannabis legalization, and for one very simple reason. The more people learn about medical cannabis, the more they realize it should have never been made illegal in the first place. Even people that have no interest in ever using cannabis are starting to understand that there is nothing wrong with the plant. Lots of people don’t drink beer, and yet don’t demand that beer be made illegal, well the same is true for cannabis use. If anything, medical cannabis is safer to use than alcohol could ever be, so why shouldn’t it be legal across the board? Well, for right now only medical cannabis use is legal, but that should be coming to an end pretty soon. I never got in trouble for forging the medical cannabis cards, and I like to think I helped a few people, too.




Going to the dispensary as a treat for myself

The laws concerning cannabis in this state have changed so much in the last three years, it gives me hope.

I am trying my best to be patient, but it’s getting harder and harder.

It won’t take long before recreational use is legalized, just like medicinal use has been, which means I won’t need to see a doctor, pay a fee, and fill out forms for a prescription card. In the meantime I have a couple of friends who have their cards, so they can get a little for me when they go to the cannabis dispensary, but I really want to go there myself! I know that I am being silly, and I have a glamorized mental picture of a medical cannabis dispensary just because I have never been in one before. The only problem I have found with medical cannabis is that it costs a lot more than the normal stuff I get. You have to p[ay for a premium product, I understand that 100% and since this is potent, powerful cannabis it costs top dollar. While it is really nice to smoke the high end kind buds, I simply can’t afford to pay those prices all the time, so often I settle for subpar marijuana just to get through the work week. In a perfect world my employers would make medical cannabis something covered under our health care, but I doubt that will ever happen. For now, I’ll just stick to my normal routine, and only get the top grade cannabis as a treat for myself sometimes.



New cannabis strains

So many smokeless ways to enjoy cannabis

I know that pot is medicinal, but damn is it fun, too! I was never big on smoking at all, mostly because of my asthma.

  • My parents were both cigarette smokers, and back then it was not so widely known that secondhand smoke could cause such long term damage.

Long story short all that smoke beat up my lungs, and made it so I couldn’t ever smoke myself. That is why I never experimented with cannabis when I was in college, and only recently discovered it. These days the cannabis dispensaries offer such a wide array of smokeless options it opens doors for people like me. I always assumed that medical cannabis was nothing but buds to be smoked, and although they may be the best buds around, I still couldn’t ever smoke them. Upon my first visit to a dispensary I saw the options like cannabis oil that could be vaped or taken orally. There were rows upon rows of yummy looking cannabis edibles, all highly charged with THC. I even found some THC patches, which worked the same way as nicotine patches and slowly released the chemicals into your body through your skin. I thought the THC patches were a neat idea, but I went with the edibles instead .A few space cakes, a few pot brownies, and a small galaxy of colorful edible gummies and candies. I have so much fun getting stoned off the edibles, not to mention how tasty they all are, that it is easy to forget that cannabis is medicinal! God bless medical science, is all I can say.

THC content

Cannabis changed my life

Have you ever walked in your sleep before? It is very common for people to talk in their sleep, it happens a lot more than you might think, but sleepwalking is a lot more rare.

  • Aside from myself, I don’t know anyone else that has had a problem with it.

But for me, it was really bad, and in middle school I would sometimes tie my ankle to the bedpost just to make sure I stayed put. That all changed once I hit high school, and started getting more options. The first night I smoked cannabis, I remember it as being the deepest, most restful night of sleep I had ever gotten. Marijuana was the game changer for me, the soothing effect cannabis had on my mind and body was unmatched to anything I had experienced. That didn;’t mean it was a magic button I could press to fall asleep, I had to be judicious in my cannabis use and only smoke the indica at the right time. Smoking a lot of cannabis throughout the day would make me sluggish, but conversely make it harder for me to sleep that night. The best course of action for me was to remain clear and cober through the day, and then hit the medical cannabis hard right around bedtime. As I was getting naturally sleepy around this time, the cannabis indica would push me more in that direction, and help me fall asleep and then stay asleep. Once I discovered medical cannabis, my life has improved so much I can’t begin to tell you..

Cannabis grower

From the court to the greenhouse to the dispensary

Without sports I would not have been able to go to college.

I might have afforded a trade school, and that wouldn’t have been so bad, but a 4 year college degree is prohibitively expensive for most people.

I was a killer on the volleyball court, and won 4 championships for my high school, so I was able to secure a full 4 year athletic scholarship. I wanted to study botany, and to do that I needed to keep in shape and keep delivering wins on the court. We won 2 championships in 4 years, and were school heroes! Immediately after graduating I stopped playing volleyball and started growing medical cannabis, which had been the goal of my plan from the outset. You need to remember that this was a few years ago and outside of Colorado and Oregon there were very few places cool with legalized cannabis. I saw the writing on the wall, and knew the demand for medical cannabis would spike in the near future, so I got in on the ground floor. Medical grade cannabis has rigid standards that need to be followed, so I grew different strains in a makeshift lab, to make clones for growing elsewhere. The same hard work ethic I used on the courts and in the classroom carried over to my botany work. Within three years I was leveraging my unique and powerful cannabis blends into a partial ownership position with a major chain of cannabis dispensaries! My future lays in medical cannabis, and I have to say that the future looks bright.



Cannabis delivery service

We dumped our cannabis in the water

I think this is sort of a funny story, although it did not seem funny at the time. My friends and I got a couple of long canoes, some tents, and a weekend’s worth of supplies to go camping out in the woods. We would take a series of small creeks and canals out deep into the thicket, near one of the many nearby lakes, and spend a weekend communing with nature. Along the way there, one of the canoes turned over, thoroughly soaking both our supply of hallucinogens and our cannabis. Without our two main party favors, this weekend was not looking pretty grim, and although we recovered some of the cannabis, it was soaking wet and unsmokeable. A couple of us had prescription cards for the medical cannabis dispensary, so we could buy as much as we wanted, but that didn’t help us out in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully we had Ed there, and since Ed doesn’t have a connection for medical cannabis, he is an expert at salvage and recovery. Everyone else focused on getting to the camp site and setting up, but Ed focused on trying to recover as much cannabis as he could. The first night was pretty rough, but halfway into the following day Ed used the natural heat of the sun to cure and dry some of the cannabis. By the time we went back home, Ed had managed to dry out almost all of the cannabis, and we smoked every last bit of it. So overall the trip was a success.

Hybrid strains

The prices at a cannabis dispensary

Although I did commit some light fraud, it was in the interest of the common good I swear it! I think we can all agree that it is total BS that weed was ever illegal in the first place, right? Hemp was seen as a fierce rival to the tobacco industry, so the lobbyists paid the bribes, changed the laws, and convinced the government to condemn marijuana as “the devil’s lettuce.” For years kids were brainwashed into thinking that this helpful plant was diabolical, so what I did was trying to right that historical wrong.

The cops called it medical cannabis prescription forgery, I called it helping out the little guy.

It didn’t last long anyway, not because I got caught, but because the cannabis dispensaries were too expensive to scam. It turns out that even with a medical cannabis card in hand, you pay about twice what you pay for weed on the street. Granted, the dispensary has far better quality of cannabis on their shelves, but holy smokes is it expensive! After you get past the wonder of seeing so many kinds of cannabis all in the same place, it’s just a really expensive store. I like having the option, but without medical insurance to help pay for the cannabis it is just cost prohibitive for most of the people I know. For now I will keep supporting my local cannabis dealer, and just take whatever stuff he has that week. One day maybe the cost of medical cannabis will be more reasonable, I surely do hope so!
Cannabis dispensary

Cannabis indica helps me sleep

I have a problem with sleep, both getting to sleep and staying asleep.

This goes all the way back to when I was a kid. I would get night terrors, and even worse I would sleepwalk, and wake up somewhere different from when I fell asleep. Once I found myself in the treehouse, fifteen feet off the ground in the backyard, with no memory of climbing up there! My parents never took me to a doctor, because they didn’t want their kid on pills for his whole life, and I see their point of view about that. Now that I am an adult, I do self-medicate for my sleep troubles, mostly with cannabis indica. At first I did not know the differences between sativa and indica, and I spent a little time on the wrong tack! Sativa has an energizing effect for many people, and a much more clear-headed and focused high, which is not what I wanted. Indica, on the other hand, helps mellow me out and muddle my brain a bit. I like to smoke cannabis right before bed, to help me turn off my brain and drift off to sleep. Since discovering the right blend of cannabis indica, I have been sleeping better, for longer, and waking up much more rested. During the daytime I don’t tend to smoke much cannabis at all, I like to wait until late in the evening. Cannabis is great, it’s a lot of fun, but for me it’s far more important to use as medicine, and help me keep getting good rest.


From athlete to cannabis expert

I was never a premiere athlete, I never had any hopes of turning pro, but for my younger years I depended on my body to get where I wanted to go in life.

I started playing high school football because of my size and strength, even though I wanted to study agriculture and botany.

Football got me to a university and paid for most of my studies, something I never could have afforded otherwise, so I was religious about my health and fitness. All through high school and college I never drank alcohol, I never smoked cigarettes or cannabis, because I wanted to remain in top shape for football. Once football was behind me, and I was out in the world like a regular person, I immediately put my botany degree in starting a cannabis grow room in my garage. Of course I wanted to smoke cannabis, who doesn’t want to do that? But moreover I wanted to better study the scientific and medicinal properties of different cannabis strains. At the time, medical cannabis was not legal in many states, but I knew it was a growth industry and I wanted to get in on it early. Thanks to my early studies in my garage, it didn’t take long to get funding from a major chain of cannabis dispensaries that wanted my expertise. Although we all knew that eventually recreational marijuana use would be legalized, that might take years, and the medical applications of cannabis would generate profits much more quickly. I love my work, and will always be thankful for sports for getting me here.


My cannabis supply was cut off for a while

It seems like the lockdown for COVID was forever ago, and yet I am still feeling the repercussions of it to this very day.

More than anything, the experience gave me a fresh perspective on my life, and how much of it I had taken for granted.

Going out for a relaxing night on the town went from something that was expected to something we might never get again! I also changed the way I smoke cannabis, which I used to smoke at an alarming rate. There was literally a cannabis dispensary in every corner of town, and my job paid me well enough to afford basically as much as I could smoke. When I was a kid I was dangerous at an all you can eat buffet, but as an adult I treated the cannabis dispensary like an all you can smoke buffet! COVID shut down the cannabis dispensaries, and although it ended up being temporary, there were a few awkward weeks where no one knew what would happen next. That was when I started rationing my marijuana, and smoking very small amounts in the form of knife hits. Using butter knives heated on the stove I used a low-tech vaporizer to smoke my cannabis, getting the maximum high for the minimum weed. Long story short, the cannabis dispensaries opened up, and the flow of weed returned, but I still kept smoking the minimal amount. If the marijuana supply runs short ever again, I will not be caught flat-footed, because now I have a “savings” account of vacuum-sealed weed in my freezer.
Marijuana edibles