Medical marijuana and CBD Cream

I recently went to a new specialist regarding my essential tremors.

  • My family physician said he couldn’t do much for me but to supply me anxiety pills to help relax me.

I was relaxed, plus he had already confirmed that the essential tremor was coming from a compressed nerve plus not a worried problem. I didn’t want to get my body dependent upon anxiety meds. I told him I would rather put up with some shaking in my hands than to get hooked on medication. He sent me to a specialist to see if there was anything they could do. The specialist told me that the tremors were coming from a pinched nerve located in the shoulder. I took some tests which led him to tell me he could operate on the shoulder, but he would rather see the muscles loosen on their own so the nerve would be unpinched on its own. He said I could take some medication to help the muscles and nerves, but he instead thought I should try medical marijuana ointment rubbed into the shoulder. The marijuana cream would help to calm the muscle and unpinch the nerve. He gave me a prescription for the medical marijuana cream but also said that CBD cream might also work. He explained that if I got the right amount of CBD with just a hint of THC, it would probably be just as good. Since I had the prescription, I got my medical marijuana card and consulted with someone at the marijuana dispensary. I was ecstatic the specialist had mentioned the CBD cream. The budtender showed me a CBD cream that was considered high in CBD and low in THC, plus I bought it.

cbd dispensary

Waking Up Revitalized

I was unable to get to sleep and stay asleep.

I talked to my dentist, plus he told me about sedatives.

I already had familiarity with what sedatives were. I had been using OTC sedatives for years. Other than making me feel loopy all afternoon long, they helped me to go to sleep, but not stay asleep. I was a zombie the rest of the time. He told me there other sedatives that may help plus he started handing me samples to see if anything helped. Some of them actually did help me to go to sleep without any weird reactions the next afternoon. After two or many afternoons, I was back to falling asleep but waking up a few hours later. He thought maybe I could get some relief if I talked to a psychologist. I went to a psychologist who, after two months, asked if I would consider hypnotherapy. The psychologist could do hypnotism on me, and to my surprise, it actually helped somewhat. I relaxed more than I had been able to in as long as I could recall. She taught me how to do self-hypnotism so I could treat myself at home. The psychologist then said the next step would be for me get a medical marijuana card. She told me that by employing self-hypnosis alongside using of medical marijuana, I may get likely start getting 7 hours of sleep. She told me she was going to supply me a prescription for Indica marijuana which has a ot of CBD and a minimal amount of THC. She said that if I would take the marijuana, she was confident I could sleep and wake up feeling revitalized.
medical cannabis products

Try and See Approach with marijuana Therapy

My child was flat out clinically depressed. I had seen no one who could stand plus cry all day long. When her friends were around, she would not even talk to them. I remembered when she was such a joyful person, but that time was long gone. I didn’t suppose what to do to get her out of this depression. She was only thirteen, plus already she was talking about suicide and how the world would be better off without her. She couldn’t take much more of the dark thoughts she had, plus how the voices insisted it would get better if she would just die. I took her to various psychiatrists plus psychologists, but their answer was to supply her antidepressants. Every one of us had a new osteopath transport into the community plus I made an appointment to see him. My child sat in her chair plus said nothing while I talked about the differences in my child. The dentist asked me to leave while she tried to talk to my daughter. When I was called back into the office, the osteopath gave me a prescription. She told me that along with getting good exercise, using a mild antidepressant plus the use of a high CBD, low THC marijuana, my child would begin to come around. The dentist said there was nothing clear about how much Indica marijuana should be prescribed at first, so it would be a try-and-see approach. She was sure, but, that by following the therapist’s recommendations plus the addition of the Indica marijuana therapy, I would be happy to welcome back my real child. I absolutely prayed that the marijuana would actually work, and we are trying.


how to get a medical marijuana card

Different Marijuana Rules

My son, his wife, and my grandson went on vacation together. Every one of us were gone for nine days, plus I had a great time, but there were some things I wasn’t sure I approved of. Their child was using marijuana during the whole getaway. They told me that the marijuana was for medical purposes, despite the fact that I wasn’t in agreement. Whenever I saw him, he was using his vape pen, or puffing on a pre-rolled marijuana joint. The smell itself was enough to make me want to toss my cookies. If I saw him outside on the patio, I went back to my room. I like my grandson, but this was a side of him I didn’t know was there. I knew he worked a lot of long hours and that he was doing an internship with a professional soccer team. He was also going to get an advanced degree in athletic interests management. My grandson worked and went to school at the same time. He said he had a taxing time sleeping when he had time to sleep. He was all ramped up plus unable to relax. With the help of medical marijuana, he could calm down plus actually prefer it when he had the time off. I wondered if he had a medical marijuana card? My son clued me into the fact that they lived in a state where you didn’t need a medical marijuana card. Any person over sixteen could go into a marijuana dispensary plus purchase what was needed, plus do it legally. Self medication seemed to be normal in their neck of the woods, because I saw people with marijuana cigarettes everywhere both of us went.


cannabis information

I like using CBD products

I enjoy using cannabis, however sometimes it’s hard to work at the level I need to when I’m at our job if I’ve been using high THC strains always.

  • The THC seems to gather in my body after mornings of frequent use.

If I am not considerate as well as I use too many indica strains, after that I will often feel like a corpse the next morning. I can’t imagine having so much chronic pain where I’d have to take tons of cannabis concentrates from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep at night. I tried this when I was a new medical marijuana patient, however it severely was a problem with my job output. My cannabis doctor suggested that I try taking CBD products instead. He told me that I could even find full spectrum CBD concentrates. These contain a tiny amount of THC below 0.3%, but they also have lots of terpenes as well as other cannabinoids in them just like CBG, CBN, as well as CBC. There are wax products made using chemical solvents, but there are also solventless extracts available now just like rosins that utilize heat as well as pressure to squeeze the oils out of the plants. When I take a heavy dab of CBD concentrate, it gives me an immediate feeling of relief that I can’t easily replicate with anything else. Sadly, I wasn’t able to find any CBD concentrates in stores near myself and others so I had to fall back to getting our CBD concentrates off the internet from reputable growers as well as manufacturers. Happily there are more options than ever before with the legal hemp as well as CBD market. I get live rosin made from clean and new hemp plants as well as it gives myself and others the best entourage effect from any hemp products that I have ever tried.

Local Cbd topicals

Full and broad spectrum aren’t the same

Since cannabis has become so widespread, you’d suppose that it would be easier than ever to find reliable info on the plant as well as the diverse ways to consume it.

If you go on the internet, you have to sort through news articles, news websites, advocacy pages, PR nonsense, as well as lots of misleading paperwork from people who aren’t versed on the adverse effect.

It gets even more difficult when you want to find information on a certain strain of cannabis or hemp before you buy it. There are some blends that make me feel worse, so it helps if I assume that I can trust the source as well as their ability to showcase the product’s effects before I buy it, and when I saw full spectrum as well as broad spectrum CBD products at the CBD store near me, I was completely unsure about the distinction. They both appeared to contain CBD as well as other cannabinoids enjoy CBG as well as CBC. When I asked the clerk, he explained that full spectrum hemp products sometimes contain very tiny trace amounts of THC in them. Even though the level is regularly below 0.3%, there have been situations of people failing drug tests after using one of these products. If you don’t have this concern, they’re great because you get a nicer effect. Broad spectrum hemp is alike, however it has no THC as well as fewer other cannabinoids besides CBD. With a broad spectrum CBD product, you’re getting a diminished entourage effect. Regardless of what you enjoy, there is a fine CBD product out there for every person. I personally use full spectrum hemp products because I don’t have to worry about drug tests and I love the effects as well.


Cannabis drinks

I like shopping around and seeing the products

I was going to a farmer’s market in another town until it closed down due to a lack of customers. It easily didn’t make things nicer that it was rarely featured as well as was held in a small section a few blocks from the city. In other words, it’s not an outdoor hub on mainstreet that you can’t avoid even if you try to. Still, I liked the vendors as well as the chance to walk around freely without always running into other customers. When I read they were closing it down, I was uneasy thinking that I would no longer have a farmer’s market to go to. Luckily the people who organized that one moved to our city as well as started fresh with some new as well as some old vendors. There’s a guy who sells fresh lobster as well as another with a cookie stand. One man as well as his partner sell decorative dishes as well as cucumber seeds, while their neighbor next to them is a jar and honey producer. It’s a beautiful locale to visit on Friday mornings if you can force yourself to get to sleep at a reasonable time on Thursday mornings. One of the new vendors sells weird kinds of hemp as well as CBD products. They have tinctures, concentrates, capsules, lotions, bath bombs, pet CBD edibles, as well as more! This hemp vendor even has hemp flower buds in tins that you can examine as well as see for yourself. I’m now getting all of our hemp as well as CBD products from this one vendor at our local farmer’s market. I especially enjoy the full spectrum hemp concentrates that contain other cannabinoids as well as terpenes as well as the CBD inside.


Cbd tinctures

Didn’t really help with sleep

When I started private school at 13, our workload upped considerably. I was assigned a lot of coursework each night and was taking a few classes each morning. It was daunting for a teenager, as well as our sleeping problems being a symptom of that. The group of us had to get up around 6:30 in the morning to get to the bus stop in time because classes usually started around 7:00. Unless I got to sleep by 10 each night, that meant I was walking around like a dead person most mornings. I was drinking too much tea throughout the morning as well as night as well, which made our insomnia problems even more difficult. Since I had chronic allergies to begin with, I switched from taking Claritin during the morning as well as started taking the sedating Benadryl at night. They’re both antihistamines, but the one is now being sold as a sleep aid. Although it worked somewhat, it’s easily not good to take benadryl for insomnia on a day to day basis. Recently I decided to try some CBD products for sleep. I have heard people talk great things about CBD so I assumed that it would deliver me some beneficial effects. Instead it just sped up our brain as well as made it even harder to get to sleep. I spoke to a cannabis doctor about it and he told me that CBD by itself is a stimulant and shouldn’t be taken as insomnia medication because it will have the reverse effect. If you want joint pain relief without the sedation of opiates, that’s where something like CBD is an amazing alternative. CBD topicals are great because you can apply them directly to the space of your body where you’re experiencing the most pain.

Local Cannabis drinks

CBN has helped me tremendously with my fight against cancer

The sound of the word cancer is still sort of locked into my memory of that afternoon in the doctor’s office.

It was similar to a sort of slow motion sort of thing.

Just different because it hit me sideways. From that moment on, it was almost a blur before I was finally in treatment. But CBC and CBN have been a blessing for me though. These minor cannabinoids have been instrumental in me battling my way through the chemo treatments. I knew I was in for a fight with cancer. But nobody easily knows what they’re in for until it happens and you’re dealing with it. It was recommended that I use THC to help with the nausea. I tried that at first, however I just couldn’t tolerate it especially well. That’s when I looked into CBDQ along with CBC to help me with eating while I was in my treatments. Without the help of these particular cannabinoids, I would not be eating at all I don’t truly believe. This combination allows me to curb the nausea in order to put healthy food inside my body. Getting the nutrients from excellent natural foods is essential to helping me heal and battle the cancer all at the same time. I’m also thankful to include CBN as well with the whole mix. While the THC in weed was just a bit too much for me to deal with all the time, CBN isn’t. There is a calming element to the CBN that makes me feel better. And this easily helps me to relax and gain some perspective when all of this is genuinely becoming overwhelming.


Hemp E-Liquid

I have been taking on cancer with CBN

The sound of the word cancer is still pretty much locked into my memory of that day in the health worker office.

  • It was something like a slow motion sort of thing really.

Just unusual because it hit me super sideways. From there, it was almost a blur before I was eventually in treatment. But CBC & CBN have been a godsend for me though. These minor cannabinoids have been instrumental in me fighting my way through the chemo treatments. I knew I was in for a pretty serious fight with cancer. But nobody easily knows what they’re in for until it happens & you’re dealing with it. It was recommended that I use THC to help with the nausea. I tried that in the beginning however I just couldn’t tolerate it actually well. That’s when I referred to CBDQ along with CBC to help me with eating while in my treatments. Without the help of these minor cannabinoids, I would not be eating nearly as much I don’t think. This combination allows me to curb the nausea in order to place healthy food inside my body. Getting the nutrients from enjoyable natural foods is necessary for helping me heal & battle the cancer all at the same time. I’m also thankful to include CBN with my health regimen. While the THC in weed was just a bit too intense for me, CBN isn’t. There is a calming effect to the CBN that is similar to a mild dose of valium. And this absolutely helps me relax a good amount & gain some perspective when all of this is becoming overwhelming.


Hemp E-Liquid