Farming marijuana

They offered him a large discount, of course, however Tom was a sweet guy who wasn’t looking for a bribe, just a cheap source of weed for he and his buddies

I was raised in a farming country, on a farm next to the other. My parents grew different plants and had cows, all the official farmyard feel. It wasn’t until I started going to college that my parents told me not to talk about particular parts of the farm. I had no clue what they were talking about at the time, but they said some plants were considered “illegal” and both of us weren’t allowed to grow them. I was smart enough to listen, even if I didn’t understand, and I kept the secret of my parents’ weed farm for many years. When I was a teenager I knew exactly what it was all about, and why I couldn’t talk about it, but I also had access to limitless cannabis. I had to work the crops, however working in marijuana farm is sort of a dream come true for a lot of boys… and adults, too! If you are wondering about the cop presence, well there wasn’t much of 1 aside from our buddy Tom, who bought cannabis from my folks a couple of times a month. They offered him a large discount, of course, however Tom was a sweet guy who wasn’t looking for a bribe, just a cheap source of weed for he and his buddies. Country folk are fantastic folk, so no 1 seemed to mind my folks growing marijuana, so long as almost everyone was honestly silent about it. It was an open secret, so to tell, and both of us had some neighbors who would even trade meat, milk, and fresh veggies for marijuana.



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A pinch here and there

I have to say that life has been going pretty decent lately… or it had been, anyway, until last week.

To me work was fantastic, I enjoyed what I did and hadn’t made any major errors I was aware of.

Then the ball dropped, and while both of us were in a staff meeting the boss said that more cutoffs were coming, due to the resurgence of the COVID breaking into our sales. They started with the newest hires, so after only 8 months I was let go. This 1 really sucks, because fantastic jobs are not easy to find, and this corporation had a medical insurance program that covered my medicinal cannabis prescription. There was a small upfront cost at the cannabis dispensary, of course, however still that was a portion of the overall price. I knew a fantastic thing when I had it, so every time I went to the cannabis dispensary I got the maximum amount allowed by the prescription. This was way, way more cannabis after that both of us could possibly smoke in that time range, although I kept buying it just to have it, just in case. I got a large glass jar, with a special lid that worked with my vacuum sealer, and started keeping my excess weed inside it. I called it my little weed account, and over the course of three months I accumulated about a few ounces of cannabis. At the rate I smoke, I figure this is enough cannabis to last me for three more months, maybe a little longer if I smoke a little less. I don’t have any cash saved up, however at least I have cannabis.

learn about medical marijuana

Office life and weed

My job got a whole lot nicer once I got the pay increase.

It came with more stuff to do, which was good. It also came with an office, and that was the game-changer for me. Most of the employees here work in small spaces. There is 1 main room, honestly huge, that is crammed full of dozens of little offices, with an identical work area in each of them. I worked there for a few years, and never enjoyed it. Now I have my own office, which means I can stop sneaking hits from my vape pen throughout the day. After hours, I always keep my bong and my jar of cannabis within arm’s reach. It doesn’t matter if I am making meals, cleaning, watching a movie, or playing drums, I like to take cannabis hits throughout the night… and on weekends throughout the day, as well. At work that will not work, of course, so for a month I brought in a vape pen with a nicotine cartridge in it instead of cannabis oil. I told almost everyone about quitting cigarettes (which was certain) and how this kind of vape pen didn’t work with THC infused products (which was totally not correct at all). After that I could take puffs of THC infused cannabis oil at work from time to time, although I still had to be cautious about it. It doesn’t smell like marijuana, exactly, but there is just a hint of it, which can make people suspicious. So you see why having an office is so great, now I can smoke as much cannabis oil as I want all day long!

medical cannabis

Now I can get cannabis easier

I never thought I would see the day when I could purchase CBD in my town. Of course, there are some odd places in town that sell all sorts of things, however that doesn’t mean you should buy it! Back in school, when I first started smoking, I had to run around and call 20 weird people to find anyone who had weed. I always had to settle for the lowest quality, because that was all I could afford. Now the whole game has switched, the laws are moving in the right direction, and there are cannabis dispensaries in every city in the state! As of yet, the law says that you can only legally buy cannabis with a dentist’s prescription, or the medical cannabis card issued by the state. I have neither of those things, yet, so while cannabis is more widely available than ever, it is still just out of my reach. Thankfully, it is within reach of many buddies and neighbors, who are glad to raise the cost and sell me a little of their weed. At least I don’t have to call around 20 people to find marijuana now, because all 20 people will be holding! As cool as it is that CBD oil is available all over the place, I don’t really want CBD oil. I want to smoke real pot. I have never been into dabs, or hash on hot knives, or anything fancy-pants, I just want a fat sack of quality cannabis. In another year or two recreational marijuana use will finally be legal, and after that both of us won’t have to worry about it any more.
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I did marijuana growing before anyone

My family has a long history of hustling products, one that every one of us are all pretty proud of, to be honest.

Back in the nights of the 20s, our distant relations out in the country started making moonshine and selling it to town folks.

They were wild men for a few years, and then the laws changed back to what they had been, and quickly they weren’t wild anymore, they were business owners. Sometimes when you are ahead of the curve you seem like a bad guy to the people behind you, but I’m proud of what our family has accomplished. I did sort of the same thing, growing mariujuana long before it was taxed, regulated and allowed. This means that for years I myself was an outlaw, but making a quick buck. I was saying I thankfully avoided ever getting busted for cannabis in all those years. Once legalization became the rule of the land, every one of us started seeing cannabis dispensaries open up all around us, which led to the next phase. Where I used to grow cannabis and sell to local distributors, now I was able to legalize our grow house and become a distributor for the local dispensaries. I had a high volume operation with high grade weed, and it was easy to find various outlets for our product. In the span of two years I went from being the odd recluse weed farmer on the edge of town to being in the best house in the city. I am honoring our family legacy, taking what they accomplished with booze and doing the same thing with our cannabis growth.


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Not happy about dreaming again

I woke up at 2am and right away packed a fat bowl of cannabis and started puffing like a madman

I have recently started reading about “lucid dreaming” from my shrink. There was a guy who started doing hardcore research about lucid dreaming at a known University. When you learn the discipline of dreaming, you can control your own dreams, so this guy says. This is fascinating to me because I have a long history of nightmares and have been hiding out from our dreams for as long as I can remember. It turns out smoking a bunch of cannabis can mute your dreams, make them weak and not close, so I have been smoking lots of pot for years. At the advice of our shrink I decided to stop smoking cannabis for a few nights, to try and fully experience our dreams again. First of all, I had been a daily weed user for so long that it was a shock to our method to be totally clear all day long. I can’t say that I cared for it, however it wasn’t like I was kicking oxy or anything: there were no physical withdrawal symptoms, I just wanted to smoke marijuana! On the next night of being cannabis-free I had a particularly vivid nightmare, and it was quite frankly scary. I woke up at 2am and right away packed a fat bowl of cannabis and started puffing like a madman. I decided that as cool as clear dreaming sounded, that I was using cannabis for a particularly good reason. It had never been just about getting high, I needed the weed to mute our horrible dreams so that I could entirely get some rest.


Cannabis business place

How much cannabis will I need for that trip?

I have always wanted to take a long, casual cross country trip across this good country, although I never had a reason to do so.

When I heard that my buddy Ryan was getting hitched, I decided that was the motivation I needed.

Instead of taking a plane out for a few nights I would load up the wagon and drive there, taking a couple of weeks to stop and see the sights along the way. With a wagon I could pack the supplies I needed to stop to sleep whenever I needed, without using hotels and alike. I made sure to load up on cannabis, because I didn’t suppose what the store situation was in all the different states I would be crossing. When you are used to buying your weed from the cannabis dispensary, you never stock up, you always just get what you need at the time. This trip requires not only some long term thought, however the financial thought it would take to receive almost a week’s worth of cannabis all in one shot. With a week’s drive time out there, another week going home, and a week for the fun time with our friends at Ryan’s wedding, I would particularly require more cannabis than usual. This has been going on for a few weeks, and I leave in just 3 nights, with what I hope is an ample cannabis supply for our journey. I suppose if I run out I can try and find a cannabis dispensary to stop and shop at along the way, however let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.


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Saving what I can when I can

Anything else I can cope with, even if it’s drinking water from the sink and eating nothing but canned peas, although I cannot handle running out of weed.

I love staying at home, as they say. I am a homebody, I don’t like being in public. For me, the virus pandemic trapping me in my lake home for various weeks was a wonderful thing. I particularly adored all that quiet time, and not having any pressure to go out and do things. My productivity at work went up skyhigh, because getting high on our sofa is obviously what I need to function at peak capacity. So when I heard that the COVID variant is coming back to us, and there may be another lockdown in our future, I got pretty pumped up about it, then during the last lockdown our local cannabis dispensary started offering a delivery service, and that changed the game for me. My only issue about any potential new lockdown is making sure the cannabis dispensary still has a way to stay afloat. Anything else I can cope with, even if it’s drinking water from the sink and eating nothing but canned peas, although I cannot handle running out of weed. Smoking cannabis keeps myself and others calm, helps myself and others relax, and allows myself and others to sleep through the night. I then would dislike the lockdown, if I didn’t have a steady supply of cannabis to keep myself and others chilled out. For the immediate future, I am going to pull off a big fat bud from every jar of weed I get and put it into a “savings account.” Instead of putting our change into a glass jar I’ll put extra cannabis into it, and save it for a rainy day.


CBD oil

What is a good sleep aid?

My roommate loves to sleep, so she will sleep for 10 hours a night whenever she can, and on weekends she will also take naps. This is so wild to me, because I sleep for as little as possible. I stay up late, and then still wake up early unless I have taken some melatonin the night before. I can’t complain, because this gives me a lot of free time for writing and recording our radio show. It isn’t just that I don’t sleep particularly much, the point is that I dislike sleeping, and do whatever I can to avoid it most of the time. When I do rest up, it is preceded by smoking a lot of cannabis and sort of drifting away into the haze. Any marijuana smoker will tell you that pot has a strong effect on your idle mind, and a paushing effect on your dreams. If you are like myself and others and have clear dreams that wake you up throughout the night, I would advocate trying some cannabis to see what happens. Smoking cannabis right before bed has become a ritual for me, because of that calming effect on our persistent nightmares. Basically, if I ever want to have a good night’s rest, I need to smoke cannabis beforehand or it won’t work. Benadryl, melatonin, any sort of sleeping aid, nothing works for myself and others except for cannabis. I also like getting blazed, of course, however our usage of cannabis is for medicinal reasons, for our mental health. I wish I could get a script for medical cannabis, but that hasn’t happened yet.


What is a good sleep aid?

I am ready to social distance this time

The last time we got hit with a social distancing reason I was not prepared for it at all.

There were some horrible weeks in that timeframe, I’ll be honest.

Now that I hear another wave of quarantine may be on the horizon, I am not resting on my ass, I am getting prepared. Last time was a surprise, however now I have the past experience to tell myself and others what I will need the most. I stocked up on food for our cupboards, of course, and bottled water just in case. I didn’t have enough of a bankroll to buy a large stash of cannabis, although I did have enough to start buying a little more every time I went to the dispensary. It may be weird this time, however if there aren’t delivery services for food and cannabis I need to be prepared! I got one of those big glass jars that will connect to our vacuum sealer, so I can keep cannabis there long term and the quality won’t deteriorate too much. I had been told in the past that keeping your excess marijuana in the freezer was the best way to store it for long portions of time, however that always gave myself and others freezer-burned marijuana! Using a vacuum sealer and the jar is great, the cannabis stays fluffy and soft and fresh. If I put a little tiny slice of an orange peel in the jar, then after a few nights the cannabis is infused with the most delightfully fresh flavor! Every week I add a little more weed to the jar, as my weed saving account.

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