Author: admin

Fun going to the dispensary

The first time I went to the cannabis store, it shocked me to see so many people that I knew, but I never would have thought that they would go to a cannabis dispensary. I didn’t think they used marijuana. Had I known this, I certainly would not have surprised myself and others so much. […]

Getting my brother’s prescription

Ever since my brother had started his chemotherapy, he had been steadily losing weight. His doctor suggested he try marijuana to help with the nausea that was caused by the chemo, plus to gain some weight back. It took a while to convince him that marijuana could be used for medicinal uses, despite the fact […]

Need a cream with CBD

I went to the cannabis dispensary, hoping to find a product that was more CBD than THC. When I talked to my doctor, he said that I should try a topical hand cream that could help with my joint aches. He thought that a marijuana cream with more CBD than THC would help myself and […]

We all wanted to see the dispensary

She frowned and made a huffy noise They chose my sister to be head of the community center’s entertainment committee. All the older women in her community center thought she would be best for the position, since she was the one who talked the most. My sister thought this was an honor plus did the […]

The legal side of weed

I have been working at the local cannabis dispensary for the last 4 years. I am the only original budtender left from when the cannabis store first opened… Ever since our cannabis dispensary has gone from strictly medical weed to medical and recreational cannabis, I have been having a lot of problems. All of us […]

Needed it for my anxiety

I hadn’t lived in the city ‌long before I realized I needed to get marijuana items. I thought I had obtained enough to get me through at least a month after our move. I either figured out my usage wrongly, or I had used more because of the stress, than I normally would. I found […]

Love hearing his stories

When I was growing up, I remember my mom never let me around my uncle. She told me he was a no-good person who was more interested in smoking pot than being a part of the family. I got to ‌ where I never told her when I talked to Uncle Rob because I would […]

Simplifying life with cannabis products

Either I could transition to a different position or I’d move along. I’m not sure if I consciously saw just how crazy my life was getting before thing just spun out. For sure, I could feel that I was overwhelmed and borderline burnt out. But I thought that’s just the way successful adults were supposed […]

The cannabis dispensary is incredible

When our state legalized both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, I was beyond overjoyed. This was a moment that I wasn’t sure would ever actually materialize. The days of getting whatever sort of cannabis products I could get were over. Plus, I wasn’t going to get busted for just using an herb. The first cannabis […]