Author: admin

Needed it for my anxiety

I hadn’t lived in the city ‌long before I realized I needed to get marijuana items. I thought I had obtained enough to get me through at least a month after our move. I either figured out my usage wrongly, or I had used more because of the stress, than I normally would. I found […]

Love hearing his stories

When I was growing up, I remember my mom never let me around my uncle. She told me he was a no-good person who was more interested in smoking pot than being a part of the family. I got to ‌ where I never told her when I talked to Uncle Rob because I would […]

Simplifying life with cannabis products

Either I could transition to a different position or I’d move along. I’m not sure if I consciously saw just how crazy my life was getting before thing just spun out. For sure, I could feel that I was overwhelmed and borderline burnt out. But I thought that’s just the way successful adults were supposed […]

The cannabis dispensary is incredible

When our state legalized both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, I was beyond overjoyed. This was a moment that I wasn’t sure would ever actually materialize. The days of getting whatever sort of cannabis products I could get were over. Plus, I wasn’t going to get busted for just using an herb. The first cannabis […]

Dad loves the cannabis cafe!

When my mom died, my dad and I were with her. It was actually very peaceful. She’d been fighting cancer for 2 years but thankfully, the end came swiftly with little fear or pain. Much of those last few years, my mom was using medical marijuana as part of her treatment regimen. Dad would take […]

Getting out of town and into the cannabis dispensary

I’m still hopeful that our state will finally get with it and pass some reasonable marijuana legislation. We are way behind the rest of the nation when it comes to medical marijuana and recreational marijuana. There is neither at this point in our state so possessing any sort of cannabis products is against the law. […]

I love coming to marijuana later in life

I’m not exactly sure of all the reasons that I abstained from recreational marijuana until I was in my mid 60’s. It was really more of a combination of things I think. For one, when I was in college, everyone was using marijuana. This was the mid 70’s and people would roll around campus not […]