Author: admin

Cannabis dispensary has a new digital menu

I prefer it when a restaurant includes a digital menu displayed on the wall. It was a relief when all of the larger fast food restaurants began switching to LED screen digital menus at their various locations. Not only can I read the words on the menu easier, but there seems to be more information […]

Cannabis budtenders are helpful

Since I rarely hang out in bars, I find it a challenge to decide what kind of beer I want to order when there are such a long list of choices. Recently, a buddy from high school invited me to meet up at a bar known for its huge menu of craft beer. Whenever I […]

Dispensary now offers cannabis edibles

I have suffered from a sweet tooth my whole life. It started when my Grandmother started babysitting my brother and I while my parents were atto work. Grandma bought us everything from donuts to chocolate candies. One of our favorite spots to visit was the ice cream parlor right down the street from where she […]

Trying to get qualified for medical cannabis

The process for becoming a legal medical marijuana patient in my state is a bit of a challenge. The financial cost along with constant delays made the procedure a stressful experience. Before I could visit the dispensary and fulfill my medical marijuana needs, I had to get proof from my regular physician that I have […]

I can finally afford cannabis

The budtender at the dispensary is invaluable to me My budget each month is relatively tight because of my many expenses. It seems as if the cost of living is steadily rising much faster than average wage increases for people like myself. Rent is more expensive each year, gas prices are gradually going up, and […]

Prefer cannabis over conventional medications

I’m not with the side effects caused by my pharmaceutical medications. Feeling tired is only the start of my issues. Some of my medications cause me to feel dizzy and give me severe headaches. Others will sometimes result in me breaking out in a red, itchy rash. I was prescribed a drug that made me […]

Pain relief from cannabis

It can be difficult to handle the various state laws. Specific states have relaxed restrictions on recreational and medical marijuana. Other states are severe in their enforcement and limitations of cannabis. My dad suffers from chronic pain due to a series of spinal injuries caused by working construction for over 40 years. Despite attending the […]

Looking for some help

Not long after I left the military, I had to find a task in the civilian world, i thought about being a police officer, and I even took the entrance exam, and unluckily, I didn’t pass the psychological part of the test, but the psychologist thought I was better suited for a job without a […]